12 Jun Create Phar with Symfony Console Component PHPSymfony How to create PHAR file with Symfony framework component inside
21 Jun Create a local bundle in Symfony 4/5 OtherSymfony Create a bundle, component or anything outside standard src folder in Symfony 4/5
22 Apr Thinkpad P54 with Ubuntu 20.04 - Nvidia driver problems OtherUbuntu After update there was some problems with nvidia drivers. Took me a little while to fix it so here is my solution.
19 Apr Install docker on Ubuntu 20.04 OtherUbuntu How to install docker on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal fossa with different apt repository.
19 Apr OtherUbuntu Ubuntu 20.04 installation on ThinkPad P53 with thunderbold docking station, nvidia graphics and two external monitors.
1 Apr Drupal 8 Learn how theme preprocess hooks works and how to use them. Preprocess and theme suggestions examples.
1 Apr Drupal 8 - get node object from field template Drupal 8 Little snipped to get node object inside field.html.twig file or similar
28 Sep OtherUbuntu In a short, Thinkpad P53 works fine on a Ubuntu 19.10, but there are problems with older Ubuntu versions.
1 Apr Ubuntu 18 - Create LAMP with different PHP versions OtherApacheUbuntu Preparing enviroment with Apache, PHP 5, PHP 7, Mysql/MariaDb on Ubuntu 18 with few useful tools
6 Mar FFMpeg - Cut video without reencoding OtherFFmpeg Fast and easy method to cut video with specified start/end time without reencoding
28 Feb Redirect www to non www with htaccess and vice versa OtherApache Redirect www.yourDomainName.com to yourDomainName.com or yourDomainName.com to www.yourDomainName.com with htaccess
23 Feb SSH - replace password with your RSA key OtherUbuntu Only one command is needed to replace password login method with your RSA key on most servers.
23 Feb GIT - rename a local and remote branch OtherGIT Easy method to rename branch on your local and remote repository.
16 Feb GIT - switch/check last branch name OtherGIT How to switch to previous branch or to check last used branches
16 Feb Apache - Change www-data user OtherApacheUbuntu Change default Apache user from www-data on Ubuntu.
15 Feb Drupal 8 - styling local task tabs with Bootstrap 4 Drupal 8 Styling menu local tasks with Bootstrap 4 tabs.
15 Feb PHP - New features cheatsheet from 7.0 to 7.2 PHP Short summary with commonly used new features for PHP 7.0, 7.1 and 7.2. Description and examples.
14 Feb Drupal 8 - Rename public directory from web to public_html Drupal 8 If you use Drupal 8 with composer, web is your public directory by default but you can easily change this to any name.