By default, there is only one theme form suggestion for every form. To change this use this snippet inside your .theme file:
function scriptun_theme_suggestions_form_alter(array &$suggestions, array $variables){
$formId = $variables['element']['#id'] ?? null;
if ($formId) {
$suggestions[] = 'form__' . str_replace('-', '_', $formId);
Change scriptun with your theme name, and check suggestions. Example debug for login form:
<!-- THEME DEBUG -->
<!-- THEME HOOK: 'form' -->
* form--user-login-form.html.twig
x form.html.twig
You can remove -form suffix if you want:
function scriptun_theme_suggestions_form_alter(array &$suggestions, array $variables){
$formId = $variables['element']['#id'] ?? null;
if ($formId) {
$suggestions[] = 'form__' . str_replace(['-', '_form'], ['_', ''], $formId);
Suggestions should work anyway if you use dashes instead of underscores, but it's nice to keep Drupal naming convention
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