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Creating Phar archives

Create files for your app:

  • project_location
    • create.php
    • src
      • index.php

create.php will be generator for phar archives, and inside src will be php application.

// src/index.php
echo 'hello world';
// create.php
$pharFile = 'scriptun.phar';
$p = new Phar($pharFile);
$p->setDefaultStub('index.php', '/index.php');

Now run from terminal:

php project_location/create.php

Phar should be created, but you can have error message:

Uncaught UnexpectedValueException: creating archive "scriptun.phar" disabled by the php.ini setting phar.readonly

Edit your php.ini and set correct value, find "phar.readonly" and set:

# php.ini
phar.readonly = Off

If Phar was successfully created you should see output from your application:

php scriptun.phar
> hello world

Phar application can be compressed:

// create.php
$p = new Phar('scriptun.phar');
$p->setDefaultStub('index.php', '/index.php');
// compression examples

Additionally there will be bz2 and gz file generated. You can use it like phar file:

php scriptun.phar.bz2


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